The Third Time Lucky How I Conquered WordPress

Third Time Lucky How I Conquered Wordpress

If you are a Content writer then you must have heard about WordPress. WordPress is a popular content management platform that powers at least 40% of websites.  Most users prefer WordPress for managing their websites because it’s free and easy to use. The interactive and advanced features of WordPress make it a popular platform for web designing. However, it isn’t easy for beginners to work on WordPress. But if you have patience and skills then you can build your website. As a content writer, I tried WordPress many times for better projects. In this article, I will let you know about the third time lucky how I conquered WordPress. From every failure, I learned something new which helped me to conquer WordPress for the third time. So, let’s start our journey with The third time lucky, how I conquered WordPress, and some pro tips to manage WordPress through better strategies. 

Before knowing about The third time lucky how I conquered WordPress you must have to know about WordPress Platform.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is an amazing and interactive content management system that allows you to design your websites as per your requirements. WordPress Platform can also be used to improve the ranking and content of existing websites as well. It’s so simple to create any blog or website through WordPress as it’s a user-friendly platform. It is fully compatible with various devices like Mac OS X, Linux, windows, etc.

How To Use The Third Time Lucky How I conquered WordPress?

This article is extremely helpful for beginners who want to explore WordPress for content management. When you have downloaded and installed WordPress on your device, you have to perform the following steps to use WordPress on your device:- 

  • Click on Create on a new site.
  • Now open a new site wizard on the screen. 
  • You will see an option to add the name of your site on the screen>Location> Create site. 
  • Yeah! Your site has been created successfully. It’s not going to be so easy for the beginners. Then you have to give your best and try several attempts to get success on this platform. The third time lucky how I conquered WordPress will make your task easier.

Our First Attempt At WordPress:-

In our first attempt to build a website through WordPress, we were totally confused but overwhelmed by the advanced features of this platform. We spent a lot of time searching for the right plugins for our website and selecting the right theme. But in the end, nothing goes in the right direction and we have to give up our idea due to customization of the website.

Our Second Attempt At WordPress:-

Although our first experience with WordPress was not pleasant, we want to give WordPress one more try to WordPress as we were aware of the utilities of this platform. We tried our best and installed some plugins and created our website. We were very happy but it was short-lived. After some time we realized that themes as well as plugins aren’t fully compatible. So we’re looking for some new plugins that can optimize the speed and performance of our website.

Third Attempt To The Third Time Lucky How I Conquered WordPress:-

After two failures, we focus on more research work and to understand how to select the right themes and plugins for a better website. In our third attempt, we installed only basic and essential plugins for our website. We also try to use search engine optimization techniques to improve the performance of your website. Finally, we got success for the third time, lucky how I conquered WordPress and we came to know from users that the ranking of our website on search engines has improved significantly. 

We have to spend more time and energy to build a website on WordPress a beginner. But we don’t want any other beginner to have to spend their time on WordPress. So the third time lucky how I conquered the WordPress article. We are going to give you some advanced tips to get success on WordPress on the first attempt. Now it’s time to know about some tips to explore WordPress.

Tips For Third Time Lucky How I Conquered WordPress:-


Select The Right Theme:-

You must choose the right theme for your website as it decides the performance and speed of your website. Although WordPress provides you with a diverse theme, you must keep the theme as simple as possible. Selection of the right theme is very crucial for the optimization and ranking of the website.

Selection Of The Right Hosting Plans:-

The selection of the right hosting plans plays a crucial role in web development because the hosting site provides optimum storage, server, and bandwidth to the users to run their websites efficiently. To select the right hosting plans for your website you must keep these four points for right hosting plans:- 

  • Customer support
  • Pricing
  • Reliability
  • Page Load speed

Select The Right Kind of Plugins:

Plugins provide some advanced functionality to improve the speed and optimize your website. You must use some basic and necessary plugins to avoid slowing down the website. It will help you to optimize your content and provide you better ranking on search engines.

Focus On Optimization Of Website:-

Optimization of your website will improve the ranking as well as the speed of your website. It will make your website user-friendly. Better optimization of websites provides the best SEO and user experience. There are some specific tools like Smush which can help you to optimize websites.

Keep a Backup Of Your Website:-

You must keep a backup of your website because it will help you to restore your important and sensitive data if something wrong happened with your data.

Connect To a Community:-

Community is a valuable platform to know about the latest development in various sectors. WordPress provides you with various online groups and discussion forums so that multiple users can communicate with each other. A healthy discussion among users will enhance their knowledge and provide them with the best experience.


What Type Of Theme is Compatible With WordPress?

Themes are very important for SEO optimization as they will help you to rank and improve your content on various search engines. For best results, you must use simple and basic themes on your WordPress.

Can I Install Any Plugins On WordPress?

WordPress provides numerous plugins for paid users. But for best results and greater performance of the website you have to use only basic and essential plugins. Too heavy plugins cause a slowdown of the website and reduce performance. 

What Are Various Ways To Optimize WordPress Websites? 

Optimization of the website is the best strategy to improve performance as well as ranking. Although there isn’t a single way to optimize WordPress websites. You can use various methods that we have used in our article.

Is WordPress an Online Community?

Yes, the community on WordPress allows you to communicate with various users. You can solve many issues and enhance your knowledge through online discussion.

Final Verdict:

WordPress can be extremely helpful for content writers and can provide them with the best SEO-optimized content.  As a beginner, you may face some issues but you can use this platform to develop your content if you keep patience and stay motivated by the advanced features of this platform. To make your task easier we have shared our experiences with you about The third time lucky, how I conquered WordPress. You can use WordPress by choosing the right plugins with the right themes and using some optimization procedures. A well-developed website will rank in the search engines and look cool. You need to get in touch with the latest developments in WordPress and stay connected with the WordPress community for effective discussion on various issues related to WordPress. Please let us know your suggestions about WordPress, we will incorporate your suggestions in our next article. Thanks and have a cool day.

Hope You Enjoy Reading it!


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